Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sing For Fun ^^

Did You Eat Your Food?

Monday, May 25, 2009

Learning Session

Learn Fruits

Learn Vegetables

Test Your Brain ^^

I like it. It has sauce on it. It is skinny.

What am I?

I am red and I am juicy. I have a stem.

What am I?

I am red. When you cut me open I am red inside too?

What am I?

I am red and I am in the fruit group.

I am good for you.

What am I?

It is yellow.

It is shaped like a rainbow.

It is a grain product.

What am I?

I’m good for you and I am in the sea.

I am in the meat and alternatives group.

What am I?

Our Beloved Sesame Street ^^ Let's Sing For Health !

Enjoy ^^

Healthy Food Song - Sesame Street(1987)

Starts to Eat Healthily Today !

We need proper food to maintain our health. This blog is just a simple platform to encourage people to have healthy food everyday in order to stay in shape and live longer.
Welcome to all of you in this discovering journey of healthy food ! You are free to leave your comments or suggestion for us to improve our website.

Thank You.


Y.L Wong

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